Saturday, September 01, 2007

Digby Host Bikers

A beautiful aerial picture of Digby and the Biker Rally 2007

Digby 's Main Street is a hugh parking lot for bikers.

The Wharf Rat Rally in Digby Nova Scotia

One Aug Day in Digby 2007 Warf Rat Ralley. It was a planned event there are thousands. This is the third year in a row for this event.

Digby was host to a number of Bikers travelling through Nova Scotia. A number of townspeople came out to have a look at the bikes and I am sure the bikers as well. Click on pictures for larger view. Pictures by Neil Van Tassel of Digby NS.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

August Night in Berford Basin

A storm in Beford Basin one August night in 2007. Pictures sent to me by Brian Van Tassel of Nova Scotia

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Digby Nova Scotia

Click on the site below

This pin showed up in Winnipeg Manitoba and was given to me.

The princess of Acadia that runs between St John NB and Digby NS.
Pictured above leaving the Digby Gut.

View from the far shore with Digby in the foreground

Picture taken from the far shore. Digby in the foreground Taken in 2006

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Cullodne just outside the Town of Digby Nova Scotia

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

HMCS Cornwallis Deep Brook NS Naval Training Base

HMCS Cornwallis Deep Brook NS

This naval base was very important to the economy
of the Digby area, many of our towns people were
employed there including myself at a very young age.
The young kids of Digby took part in the Naval Cadets
and went to the base on a weekly basis to train.
Norm's Son Gilbert Stephen Van Tassel also took
his basic training at Cornwallis when he
enlisted in the Army in 1974.

HMCS Cornwallis.

The quarter guard on parade at the open order march
awaiting inspection. Among them is my brother in
law Robert Kranstz husband of Donna Van Tassel

Weekly Parade at HMCS Cornwallis NS

PMQ in the background have been sold and are presently
occupied by people from the surrounding area who
purchased the homes. I thank Robert for the pictures. Posted by Picasa

Robert Kranstz Husband of Donna Margurette Van Tassel of Digby


Robert Kranstz on one of his many visits back to
Digby in front of the Security office of HMCS Cornwallis.
Robert served in the RCN took his basic training at
Cornwallis and met Donna Van Tassel at that time.
They married and are presently residing in Burlington
Ont with their grown up family and grandchildren.
We thank Robert for the pictures and for looking
after Donna (Aggie) Van Tassel all these years
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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pines Hotel Digby NS

The Digby Pines Golf Course.

Digby Pines Hotel
This hotel was built by the Railway years ago and was a great tourist attraction to the Town of Digby. In addition to the Hotel there was the famous Pines Golf Course which is still popular today.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

A thank You to Neil Van Tassel of Digby NS

Neil Van Tassel of Digby NS with his family

I need to thank Neil Van Tassel Son of Joan and Donald Van Tassel of Digby and my cousin Brian Van Tassel son of Ronald Eugene for sending me these pictures. It makes one feel good when you know you can't go and visit but you can go to your blog and visit the Town of Digby via these modern day methods.I can show my grandchildren where I came from and tell many stories of growing up in Digby. So Neil and Brian I thank you for the trip and I will be taking it very often with my kids and friends

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mural in Digby Nova Scotia

This was sent to me by Neil Van Tassel

of Digby Nova Scotia Aug 2006
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Monday, August 14, 2006

The Orginal Howard Burton Van Tassel Home with a new facelift

The old Van Tassel home
with a new face lift and moved back on the original lot where Grandfather Stephen John Van Tassel used to have his Hugh garden

The Homestead of Howard Burton Van Tassel Victoria St Digby Nova Scotia

Howard passed away at a young age of 40 at the TB Hospital in Kentville NS. Although the house looks different today they raised 11 children in this home because of the illness of Howard Burton the raising of the children was left to RobinaVan Tassel and her ability to delegate authority to the older children who she left in charge while she worked as a waitress for many years to feed her family. She succeeded where many would give up. She stuck with her family
and as they grew up and left home. This woman gave all she had to her family and unfortunately passed away at the age of 50 with the dreaded disease of Cancer. If there are awards in Heaven for courage and dedication to one's family than this lady should be given the highest award
Mother you worked so hard and passed away too soon.
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The Bear River Bridge 8 Miles from Digby

If I remember correctly this is high tide in Bear River. One pretty Town
(Click on pictures for bigger view)

The Town of Bear River Home of the many Rices of Digby County

Bear River NS where most of the Van Tassel Kids of Robina (Rice) Van Tassel spent many happy hours visiting their Uncle Herb Rice brother of Robina who operated a farm in Bear River> I might add also made the best cider in the area.

This picture is a fall picture taken in Bear River 12 Miles from

Digby in Oct 2007 by Neil Van Tassel of Digby Nova Scotia

As above taken by Neil Van Tassel of Digby NS

Bear River Nova Scotia (Beautiful)

The Bear River Bridge outside Digby

Another View of the Bear River Bridge Posted by Picasa

Historical features & events of Digby NS

The Digby Jail House in Digby Nova Scotia

Ox Team being lead down the main street of Digby NS 1934

It's interesting to me the date is 1934 the year Norm Van Tassel was Born

The Digby General Hospital Many Years Ago

Part of The Old Digby Wharf now gone

Digby Wharf Low Tide

Railway Station in Digby in it's working days.

Coming from the Ferry that runs between Digby and St John NB

The old Railway Station

Overlooking the Annapolis Basin & the Digby Wharf from the Hill in the winter Posted by Picasa

Fishing Dragger docked at Digby

Fishing dragger caught fire the Digby warf in Oct of 2007

One of Digby's Famous Draggers

Looking into the Annapolis Basin

Entering the Digby GutPosted by Picasa